venerdì 25 luglio 2014

How easily implement PubSub in your application with PubNub

I have recently got interested in PubSub message exchange pattern.
PubSub is a great way to decouple sender and receiver and to scale to large mass of subscribers.
For networking guys, this is somehow similar to multicast. I send my IP multicat packet and I don't know who is receiving it.
In PubSub is the same, Sender app send a message which is not addressed directly to any specific receiver. On the other side Receiver listen to the communication channel without looking for a specific client.

Here I am showing very basic usage of a great service called pubnub.
The service has a free tier for developer and for testing purposed. Should you find this service the right one for your application then you can purchase service directly on pubnub web site.

Anyway, let's see how to publish (send) a message and how to subscribe (receive) a message using pubnub.
I am showing code sample in Ruby, but please note that pubnub provide API/SDK to an impressive number of platform/languages

First of all register to pubnub. You can register with you Google account or create a free account.

After successful registration you will access to a page similar to this one

Here you need to take note of two important information:

  • Subscribe Key: necessary if you want to subscribe to channels and receive messages
  • Publish Key: necessary to send message to a channel

Let's now see the code of a very simple sender and receiver

# sudo gem install pubnub
# pubnub_receive.rb


require 'pubnub'

pubnub =
 :publish_key   => 'your publish key',
    :subscribe_key => 'your subscribekey',
    :error_callback   => lambda { |msg| puts "Error connecting to PubNub: #{msg.inspect}" },
    :connect_callback => lambda { |msg| puts "Connected to PUBNUB: #{msg.inspect}" }

message_cb = lambda { |msg|
 time =
 puts "-------Received Message-------"
 puts "Channel:: #{}"
 puts "Message:: #{msg.message}"
 puts "Message received at #{time}"
 puts "------------------------------"

    :channel  => 'mancusoa74demo',
    :callback => message_cb

while(1) do
 puts "."
end creates a new pubnub object and connects us to the PubNub service.
You need to specify your publish and subscribe key otherwise you will not be able to send or receive messages.

Now that we have a valid pubnub object, we can subscribe to a channel.
This is done by calling the subscribe method on pubnub object.
We need to pass (at minimum) a channel name. Here I am also specifying a callback which is executed every time we receive a message from the channel.

In the call back I simply print out the channel name, the received message and the time on which the message has been received.

As we want to listen to the channel forever I have add a simple forever loop. This is obviously not appropriate for a real implementation, but you certainly get the point of this simple example.

That's it: this is all what you need to receive message from anywhere in the world, from any device on any platform. Beauty of PubSub pattern :)

# pubnub_send.rb


require 'pubnub'
pubnub =
 :publish_key   => 'your publish key',
    :subscribe_key => 'your subscribekey',
    :error_callback   => lambda { |msg| puts "Error connecting to PubNub: #{msg.inspect}" },
    :connect_callback => lambda { |msg| puts "Connected to PUBNUB: #{msg.inspect}" }

 :channel  => 'mancusoa74demo',
    :message => !ARGV[0].nil?? + " ## " + ARGV[0] : "empty message",
 ) { |data| puts "Messaage status is #{data.response_message}" }


Similarly to sender, also to receive we need to connect to PubNub network and instantiate a Pubnub object.
Unlike the receiver, to send it is not needed to subscribe to a channel.

So in order to publish/send a message we call the publish method on the pubnub object.
You need to pass the channel name and the message you want to send.

Bam!!! as simple as that. You have now sent a message to all your subscribers around the world on different devices and platform. Again beauty of PubSub pattern :)

This model/service can be used for a tons of different purposes. Example: connect with your mobile subscribers, implement a scalable chat/messaging system, implement a scalable logging system, implement a scalable analytics system, ...

In conclusion I hope it is clear from this post that communicate with your subscribers is very simple and PubNub is offering the infrastructure to support your needs.

If you have ideas or experience how to use it in your domain let me know. I am always interested to discover new things.


Note: In this post I discuss about pubnub service. I would like to make it very clear that I have absolutely  NO affiliation with pubsub. This is just the description of my finding while looking for cool technologies out there.

giovedì 24 luglio 2014

Build a simple RESTful Web Service JSON API with Ruby and Sinatra

In one my activities I have the needs to quickly prototype a RESTful web service API.
Obviously I want to do it with my current preferred language Ruby.

It is clear I can easily do it with Rails but probably it will be an overkill for what I need to do.
Reading different articles about major differences between Rails and Sinatra micro-framework I have decided to build the simple REST web service I need using Sinatra.

I am here sharing what I have done. This is something I put together quite quickly, so it is not complete.
Anyone of you which wants to help can contribute.

Let's install the necessary ruby gems.

# cd ~
# mkdir rails_api
# mkdir rails_api/json
# sudo gem install sinatra
# sudo gem install rabl
# sudo gem install oj
# sudo gem install data_mapper
# sudo gem install dm-sqlite-adapter
# sudo gem install thin

I am using Rabl gem as this provides great flexibility in creating JSON replies to API request

Now in the rails_api/json directory create 3 files with the below content

object @post
attributes :id, :title, :body

collection @posts
attributes :id, :title, :body

object @error
attributes :message

Those files render the JSON replay to our RESTful API call. Now in the rails_api directory create the following file

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'rabl'
require 'data_mapper'
require 'json' 

######## setup sqlite DB ########
DataMapper.setup(:default, 'sqlite:rest_api.db')

######## Post Model ########
class Post
  include DataMapper::Resource

  property :id,         Serial    # An auto-increment integer key
  property :title,      String    # A varchar type string, for short strings
  property :body,       Text      # A text block, for longer string data.


######## Very simple Error class ########
class Error 
 attr_accessor :message
 def initialize(mex)
  @message = mex

######## register Rabl. This is required for Sinatra ########

######## retrun 404 in case of invalid URL request ########
not_found do
 status 404 #page not found

######## simple helper to return HTTP 400 ########
def status_400(mex)
 @error =
 status 400
 rabl :'error', :format => "json", :views => 'json' 

######## simple helper to return HTTP 404 ########
def status_404(mex)
 @error =
 status 404
 rabl :'error', :format => "json", :views => 'json' 

######## simple helper to return HTTP 200 ########
def status_200
 status 200

######## simple helper to return HTTP 201 ########
def status_201(link)
 status 201
 #headers "location:/post/43"
 headers "Location"   => link

######## REST CRUD APIs for Post resource ########

######## index of Post ########
#GET post
get '/post' do 
 @posts = Post.all
 if @posts.empty?
  status_404("The reuqested resource does not exists")
    rabl :'posts', :format => "json", :views => 'json'

######## show one Post ########
# GET /post/:id
get '/post/:id' do
 @post = Post.get(params[:id])
 if @post.nil?
  status_404("The reuqested resource does not exists")
    rabl :'post', :format => "json", :views => 'json'

######## create a Post ########
#POST /post
post '/post' do
  post_data =  JSON.parse 

  if post_data.nil? or !post_data.has_key?('title') or !post_data.has_key?('body')
   raise "exception"
   post = Post.create(:title => post_data['title'], :body => post_data['body'])
 rescue => ex
  status_400("Invalid client request")

######## Update a Post ########
#PUT /post/:id
put '/post/:id' do
  put_data =  JSON.parse 

  if put_data.nil? or !put_data.has_key?('title') or !put_data.has_key?('body')
   raise "exception"
   post = Post.get(params[:id])
   if post.nil?
    status_404("The reuqested resource does not exists")
    post.title = put_data['title']
    post.body = put_data['body']
 rescue => ex
  status_400("Invalid client request")


######## Remove a Post ########
#DELETE /post/:id
delete '/post/:id' do
 post = Post.get(params[:id])
 if post.nil?
  status_404("The reuqested resource does not exists")
Ok now just run it with
# ruby rest_api.rb -o
You should get something like this
== Sinatra/1.4.5 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
Thin web server (v1.6.2 codename Doc Brown)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

Let's now test our RESTful Web Service. You can use your preferred tool like POSTMAN in Chrome.
I will use the always available curl to test the typical CRUD functions


# curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST  -d '{"title": "post1", "body": "this is post 1"}'
# curl

# curl
# curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT  -d '{"title": "post 5", "body": "this is post #5"}'
# curl -X DELETE

I am sure it is quite easy to argue that the HTTP return code I have used are not correct. Looks like this is quite an open topic.

In my example here I have mapped HTTP Status Code to REST call according to what described in this article (Using HTTP Status Codes correctly in your REST Web API)

As always let me know about any improvement, suggestion or correction.

Hope this helps someone out there.

martedì 15 luglio 2014

rails console and dbconsole on OpenShift

in my rails development environment I can start the console or the DB console by issuing the well know commands:

rails c(onsole)
rails dbconsole

In order to achieve the same result in production environment on OpenShift issue the following:


RAILS_ENV=production bundle excec rails c(onsole)

RAILS_ENV=production bundle excec rails dbconsole

lunedì 14 luglio 2014

How to force HTTPS on Openshift for Rails applications

RedHat OpenShift provides the possibility to enable HTTPS for your Rails application.

By default your Rails application will be available on


In my applications I want every request to be handled by HTTPS. In order to achieve that add to your public directory a .htaccess file with the below content

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https

RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

For additional information for non-Apache based applications check OpenShift article out

mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

How to delete a scheduled rails delayed_job

In one of my "experiment" I am using collectiveidea/delayed_job gem to execute background and delayed tasks/jobs.

Now the question is: how to delete a job  which has already been scheduled/queued?

As simple as that:

#schedule a delayed method call
dj = reminder.delay(run_at: 5.minutes.from_now).send #this is your delayed method object

#delete a scheduled delayed job
djid = #this is the assigned delayed_job id
